Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Final Countdown

It was post 2012 the year was 2014 the war between the Indigo rebellions and their enemies had begun. All Indigo's young and old alike were at war with the military New World Order. This was the Indigo's chance to prove their power and to reign victory of the earth. Yet, something was wrong. terribly wrong. The Powers That Be seemed to of abandoned them unmercifully. Though they had advanced technology to combat their warriors the battle was going to be more than strength to over come.

The enemies also had advanced secret technology from which they had access to from a superior evil race of aliens. Many were terrified for it was not their way of fighting war and shedding blood throughout the land. Few countries were left and many fought to survive. Underground at a nearby secret hiding base, a leader of the Indigo's who was an elder shouted above the base. "Keep low and hidden", "we are not going to make it, their drawing near the base- if a missile comes we're finished!"

Later that night when all seemed quiet a missile was launched from the enemies. Fire lit up the sky, and smoke filled the air as terror spread throughout the remaining Indigo's. The base was still safe and hidden, though time was running short. An Indigo asked- "How are we going to survive?" "Are we not supposed to be the survivors of the human race?" "Where are all our protectors?- the aliens who are our guiding allies?"

Until finally their prayers were answered, a tremendous sound boomed through the infinite sky and a large craft appeared below the secret Indigo base. The craft landed and out stepped a group of tall alien beings. The last remaining Indigo's were lifted inside of the craft. The war continued with one last nuclear blast, the planet went into chaos. The Indigo's along with their allies were taken to safety at a far away planet. Yet, the war was still not over.

There were other evil alien races who tried to conquer the earth. For the Indigo's and their peaceful brother race of aliens, their fight for peace and dominance of the earth had not been fulfilled. Once again the Indigo's were forced to come back to earth in order to fight the evil forces of aliens that had taken over the earth.

The days were filled with a stifled and ominous darkness. Fire swept across the earth as molten ash loomed heavily upon the crust. The Indigo's fought throughout the days and nights with the help of their superiors. Life itself had perished on the earth, though the Indigo's had sustenance from their allies, no one dared to stop the bloody terror and battle which claimed the many lives of many innocent indigo's.

So strong was the determination of the Indigo's to claim peace and to reign on earth. The war had continued to break out in space and missiles were fired toward the enemies planet. Many missiles back fired and much planetary destruction took place.

The force of evil was hard to defeat, fire and missiles shook through space. An echo of fire and bright coloured debris spun throughout the regions of the sphere. Meteor's clashed upon the ground and tidal waves swept over the continents. The earth was consumed in a single bound.

It was a long time before the remaining Indigo's came back to live on earth as much had been destroyed. The climate was not able to sustain any form of life not for a long time to come. As the decades past by, so had life began to spring again upon the earth. The Indigo's arrived once again with victory on their faces. Thus living happily amongst their superior race of aliens to start a new era upon planet earth.


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