Monday, May 23, 2022

Writing, Creative Writing.,

I think the song is a literal masterpiece. The sarcasm of religious ideologies speaks volumes of the hypocrisies of the world. A world in which the masses ignore poverty, wars and corruption. A revealing truth of reality in many parts of the world. A twist in her sobriety is a sober awareness of life itself.  - Twist In My Sobriety 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Call On Earth

During these times of much turmoil that has no doubt affected the many populations of our earth eg; The crisis of the Fukushima radiation in Japan is just one phenomenon and any other strange activity that has been recorded and passed by does shed grave concern.

Yet, I do believe that there is a significant rise in the structure of the earth's magnetic field, including the upper stratosphere as well as the sun. Though these changes are needed as everything does 'change and evolve.' Scientific evidence has updates of these anomalies.

The changes involved are to continue and will be paramount in reconstructing the earth as it overheats. Hence, "the global warming effect." Greenhouse gases and methane continue to debilitate and deteriorate our "earth's fragile Eco structure."

Within the near future our earth will continue to react simultaneously to an ecological breakdown. We may not know what will happen further down the track... It's within these times that calls for the care of the earth.  Trying to reduce 'greenhouse gasses' would be an excellent start.

Until the vital messages pass through about taking precautions and living sustainably, our environmental future will continue to be jeopardized. Unless we realize that as human beings we are majorly contributing to 'polluting' the  earth: we will continue on a path of destroying this very planet.

After the much talked about tribulation involved with the  2012 doomsday prophecy in which we have now passed, there is still much need to consider regarding the outcome of our survival of this planet.

We now have approached the epoch of the 21st century. This epitome is the emergence of political, religious, environmental justice and a overall spiritual and humanitarian revolution.

Let us hope that we will understand the events of the coming changes of our earth.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Michael Stearns - Jewel (Jewel)

Michael Stearns is best known for his ambient and tranquil compositions resonating a supernatural ambience that entrances the awakening mind  into a state of unparalleled bliss.

Another way of channeling Stearns enchanting echoes crossing over our ordinarily spill of life into the unconscious realms, is to listen to his latest sound track.

Again Stearns encapsulates the mind into another world of ethereal existence.

Marie-Anne Le Clerc


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Baraka Movie Review

Baraka is a sufi word meaning - The breath of life. It is a visual film without dialect that portrays the images of iconic, spiritual and religious nuances. What takes us through this metaphysical journey will leave some questioning the meaning of life.

Scenes throughout Baraka depict the rise and fall of humanity that has been present in our ancient civilizations since the dawn of time. A shocking revelation of the corruption and destruction of man's greed for hunger and power that breeds racial intolerance and war amongst nations. The poverty and inhumane injustice that exists due to the powerful elite. The use of religious intolerance and artificial greed that rapes the earth of natural resources.

Here, we see the mass production of farmed animals, cheap slave labour, over-population and the madness of the human race racing round the clock... This is a message that is clear of a time-bomb about to explode.
Within the speculation of our earth's change that is to herald in the birth of a new era could this be an awakening call to humanity? Our ecological crisis of our earth tells us time is running short.

Baraka has a way of filtering these pivotal messages that echo the long withstanding atrocities spread throughout the history of  humanity.

Towards the end of the film there really is no final screen however, it reflects the compositions of our life be it big or small, brilliant or catastrophic. This in turn mirrors the anatomy of our world where the essence of spirit vs matter merge as one.  In return we are left with the metaphorical verse of  -"ashes to ashes and dust to dust."


Monday, August 17, 2015

The Room

Autumn leaves of red, golden and brown. Sanguine memories cast a shade inside the feelings of old days. Spirit fills the night of swifting pools that dance in shifting colours. Vivid dreams and shadows chase the night.

Through dreams a memory is cast of a child locked in a room. There were toys to play with yet, she was imprisoned inside the room. Hours went by so young and helpless.

It was a breakthrough of spiritual illumination that took part inside the room. There were many that joined her of strange people and faces that told her they were her friends from long ago.

Many times she enjoyed these visits from her unusual friends. In time she came to see the room she was locked inside was not a prison, but a 'gift'.

To understand if it was real or fantasy the answer was clear. There were special gifts that were materialised of a strange shape and colour. These were gifts she had to hide. It was her secret she had to keep.

Until one night she grew ill and spent time in a different room. Again, she was locked inside a room. When her special friends did visit she knew that she would join them very soon.


False Prophets - The Time Warp of the New Age.

In my time of being a spiritual seeker I have come across a wide range of New Age concepts as well as the esoteric occult knowledge that has a deep understanding of the spiritual principles of our universe.

However, there also appears to be the so-called cliche of  the blind leading the blind, as well as another one goes - wolves in sheep's clothing.

Just how many are taking us by storm since the apocalyptic view of the Mayan calendar addressed on the Dec 21st, 2012 - albeit end of time, and any other 'doom and gloom' predictions of the future.

To try to digest some of these prophecies which comes in guise in the New Age circle, I am searching for answers? The fundamental spiritual truth in all religions remains the same. The theology of this truth is theologian.

Science has prospective theories that relate to the big bang hence the notion of the alternative design of the matrix. What will occur in the future has many foretold possibilities as there are several timelines of future life possibilities. Nothing is set in concrete. Change is constant while energy and matter are forever changing particles and atoms in the multi-universe of our very small perspective of the universe.

We need to explore the highest possibility of life in the outer space of the cosmic universe. There are millions and billions of universes in the milky way that has yet to be discovered. Until then we will hear of propaganda and witness many so-called reincarnated messiahs and false prophets.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cats and Behaviour - A Look At The Many Faces

History and Mythology

It is not widely known where cats originated instead, they can be traced back as early as Ancient Egypt. In Ancient Egyptian mythology cats were named as 'Mau' and were highly worshiped as gods and goddesses.
Initially Egyptian cats were a wild breed used for domesticated purposes later  graduating into religious icon's that represented fertility and were used for protection of the souls journey into the afterlife. Great statues were placed in temples set nearby burial chambers. Mummified cats were especially popular and remain to be found in the artifact remains of the Egyptian tombs.

Although contrary to the beliefs of the early Egyptians there has been much superstition surrounding the growing mythology on cats. Witchcraft and satanic rituals believed to be associated with the occult and black magic remains shrouded in mystery, whereby witches with black cats were looked upon as evil. Black cats were seen as their familiars.

This predates back to the early Christian era aka the medieval times where witches were hunted and burnt alive. In medieval folklore seeing a black cat was a symbolic meaning of bad luck. Superstitions continue to this day portending these mysterious creatures as ill omens.

Cats being quiet and stealthy creatures create an air of mystery. Though studies show that a cat's behaviour can vary and be quite unpredictable at times. A little psychology goes a long way in finding cues, distinct moods and attitudes. A cat's most prominent feature of expression is thought to be of body language followed by vocal tones and facial expression. 
Behavioural differences depend on upbringing factors such as the environment, socialization and time of weaning. Unless your cat is tame it will not be suitable for domestic households. Feral cats for example are aggressive and wild and will not tolerate humans.  Wild cats learn at an early age from their mother in protecting and fending themselves away from predators.

Other behaviour such as rolling over and exposing the stomach is a submissive sign meaning trust. Purring is a sign of contentment though do not count on it. Purring can also mean other underlying issues that are not necessarily pleasant. For example a cat may be in pain or stressed yet, still purrs. All cats have different personalities and with time through the development of bonding you will learn to discover the personality of your cat and how she/he behaves.

Tails are another way of communication. Flicking the tail is an angry sign whilst holding the tail upright signals your cat is relaxed. Cats may appear to be intelligent as well as sensitive by highly reacting to stress in the environment. 

Whiskers and ears folded back show a cat ill at ease. Sight and smell are highly developed and all play a role in behaviour especially where territorial issues are involved. 

Feral cats behave differently in the wild and have been observed largely mimicking the behaviour of their ancestors. Over time as more research is advanced no doubt we will learn further knowledge in the behaviour of our felines.




Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Tropical Island Mauritius

Mauritius Island is a portrait of alluring deep blue landscapes and white sandy beaches.

Among the coconut trees and tropical weather lies a haven of lush surroundings. Deep within is a world of people rich in culture and religion.

Mauritius is in the south-west of the Indian Ocean, near the African coast next to the island Madagascar. Port Louis is the capital and is the main portal for markets, shops and restaurants. Markets are alive with the vibe of different customs displayed alongside of each other.

Spicy foods and tropical fruits are a delightful treat and popular attraction among the local tourists. The History of Mauritius derives from the early Portuguese, the Dutch as well as British and French settlers.

African slaves were an early part of trade which plays a major role in the mixed descent followed by native Asians. Although English is the official language the main dialect is creole while others are influenced by their native origins such as Hindi, African or French.

The sugarcane has been a growing boon for the Mauritian economy after once being a poor island that was dominated and used for trade by African slaves. Later, after having settled the Dutch introduced the sugarcane which is used widely to produce rum.

Religion is divided and plays an important part of the Mauritian heritage. Here, is an array of Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. Different religious festivals are celebrated throughout the year. Each ceremony is held sacred with pride and joy.

One of the main excitements of the island is the Sega Dance. The Sega is of African descent an originated from Madagascar. At night-time in the village the echoing sound of tribal drumming can be heard from afar. It is traditional for the men to play percussion instruments while the women perform the leading jovial dance called the Sega.

Mauritian cuisine is combined with a curious blend of ethnic flavours that includes mixed spices, fresh vegetables and herbs. The main dish cooked in the home is a fish, chicken or meat stew served with rice. There are plenty of restaurants including food stalls situated along the streets that contain a variety of foods that are Indian, Chinese and Muslim.

As the days reach a humid peak, the beaches are a refreshing hub for tourists and are close by the local village. Mauritius is said to be a tropical paradise and indeed it is with its warm, sultry weather, beautiful beaches, exotic food enriched within the diversity of culture and spirituality; it truly is an island of the Gods



Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Battling Truth of Alcohol

Alcoholism also known as alcohol dependence is the uncontrollable urge of drinking a high consumption level of alcohol. It is not known what causes alcoholism however, having a genetic predisposition as well as environmental factors are thought to be a high risk according to researchers.

As the level of alcohol consumption increases the higher the danger of developing the early onset stages of alcoholism. This will eventually progress the disease to an advanced stage.

Alcohol's affect on the brain and health:

Alcoholism causes damage to the brain cells and affects the central nervous system. Alcohol impairs the brain's ability to function normally affecting performance rate quite markedly.

This will result in the loss of memory, black outs, slow reaction, poor muscle co-ordination and motor skills. Blurred vision and speech occur due to paralysis of the neurological function to the brain.

Cancer of the liver also called cirrhosis, vitamin B1 deficiency, poor nutrition and hygiene are common among alcoholics. Long-term heavy drinkers will develop a tolerance to alcohol that will cause symptoms after drinking is abruptly ceased.


Unable to tolerate or limit the use of alcohol in one drinking session. Having to drink to excess in order to reach a level of intoxication.

Symptoms also include both psychological and physical:

Withdrawal symptoms: - cravings, tremors mild or severe aka delirium tremens. Convulsions, palpitations, sweating, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, agitation, mental confusion and hallucinations to name just a few examples.

It is very difficult to admit to having a drinking problem and thus many alcoholics are in denial. History of family and friends has a huge impact towards both those of the alcoholic and family and friends involved.

Numbers have increased among the homeless of those who are alcohol dependent. Alcoholism isolates people who are inflicted throughout the community. Mental health issues are also frequent among heavy alcohol users. Alcoholism is a debilitating condition that shares a high rate of unemployment, poverty and homelessness that is known to exist throughout society.


It is extremely difficult for anyone with an addiction to quit and this is also the case with alcohol dependency.

Medical Checks: Medical checks from your GP are necessary in monitoring your health.

Rehabilitation Centres

Rehabilitation centres for detox as well as Drug and Alcohol Counselling services are available in the use of treatments for heavy drinkers. Success widely depends on a variety of issues some include medical while other reasons may be personal. The ability to abstain is the only way for an alcoholic to remain sober.

Further reading and resources:


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Life On The Streets

Life on the streets for the homeless is a way of life. The reasons for poverty and homelessness are diverse and raises controversial issues. Homelessness has been stigmatised throughout the ages along with drug/alcohol addiction and mental illness. Just what is the main cause?

Non-connectedness is a feeling of not belonging to society and has been the case for many homeless people who live on the street. Statistics have noted when a shelter is provided most often the person chooses to be homeless as there is a feeling of "connectedness" that is shared with other homeless people.

A lack of social support, family and friends is also the cause of loneliness and isolation. Other issues that involve homelessness are sexual abuse and domestic violence that is found to be reportedly common among street teenagers.

Drug, alcohol and mental health issues are a serious problem in local communities. Welfare agencies who offer shelter support as a temporary relief are unable to come to a resolution as many continue to live a life on the street.

The poverty and isolation of street living has a high mortality rate due to poor nutrition, hygiene and health issues that increase the risk of developing diseases.

Mentally ill people who are left medically untreated, places their mental health at risk of depression, suicide, including the wide use of substance abuse and drug overdose. Victims of street violence such as beatings and robberies are a regular occurrence significantly targeted at ageing alcoholics.

Homeless Services:

There is a wide variety of services to help the homeless.

Housing Offices support those who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are already homeless.

Housing Support Agencies offer a range of care for those who are in need of food, shelter and clothes. Counseling advice services are free.

Drop In Centres cater for daily activities such as: Meals, donated food parcels and social support groups. Toilet and showering facilities are available for use during the day.

Medical Care Centres focus on medical support that includes; Drug/Alcohol Counselling and Crisis Services for the Mentally ill.

Homelessness has risen in the last decade and has become worldwide. World Government Communities have yet to discover a method in controlling and resolving the growing crisis in our society.
The Salvation Army in Australia (NSW, ACT, Qld): contacts, help, donations, volunteering, stores, school projects, job opportunities, church, spirituality, prayer.


Writing, Creative Writing.,