Thursday, August 25, 2011

Paedophilia Sweeping Through Our Catholic Churches

Numerous allegations regarding paedophilia in our Catholic Churches and institutions have become a rapid upsurge of outcry in our local communities.

When it comes to child sexual abuse pedophilia is of no exception amongst the Catholic priests in our religious institutions. However, it is of little wonder that the Catholic Church is now serving to cover up the allegations of ongoing cases that have been trialled and convicted over the years within the justice system.                                                                                                       

The latest reports on all scandals are not relatively new, considering the data that has been recently collected pre-dates to over 50 years climbing toward the early part of the century. Common cases having come forward are ablaze with the uprising public demise of the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.

It is a very controversial subject and one that will not turn away through a blind eye. Catholics are renowned for condemning homosexuality throughout history. The crimes committed by the Roman Catholic priests are 'homosexual' and is largely hypocritical due to the opposing nature of homosexuality amongst Christian faiths.

Justice needs to be accomplished and the need for child protection in Christian communities should be strictly addressed by our government and child care protection services.

Defrocked Priests

Despite the number of priests who have been defrocked in recent times there have been reports that not enough cases of catholic priests have been testified against child sexual abuse. Leading investigations from police and victims from church groups are pleading to have more cases trialled and defrocked.

Other cases of priests suspended were also found to have been identified working in new organizations for re-employment not long after trial. Communities outraged by the findings are calling authorities in order to debate the issue for further investigation.

What is the outcome?

After all the media attention that has notoriously flooded the nations the Vatican imposes more strict formalities in regard to police back ground checks on church employees and volunteers.

Others include:

 More public awareness is needed to be announced to parents, schools and communities.


Retirement and resignations were common amongst elderly priests who were living in retirement houses and were closely monitored.

Breaking the Silence

Victims of abuse were encouraged to come forward with reports of child-hood abuse and to seek counselling services.

Churches, schools have been naive about paedophilia | The Australian
PETER Keogh (Talking Point, 23/3), I agree with you but for your last three sentences


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

STDs - Still An Epidemic In Our Modern Society

STDs a little knowledge...

STDs aka Sexually Transmitted Diseases as well as STIs- Sexually Transmitted Infections are a growing epidemic within our modern society. After having passed the decadent sexual revolution of the 60's and the AIDS epidemic STDs are back on the increase.


Ever since a 20 year decline in the HIV/aids pandemic, a number of STDs have increased. STIs are higher amongst the younger population more so than our older generations. However, it still currently remains high in some regions regarding women minorities particularly in African/American women. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were also at risk.

A look at just why STDs are increasing in young adults, despite our STDs Medical Health Campaigns is controversial. A recent statistical view of the number of adolescents who have become sexually active has risen and would give rise world wise to the prevalence of STDs.

More reported cases of unsafe sex with multiple partners are at risk in the cause of spreading STDs. While alcohol and drug use among young adults including college students were found to be another leading factor.

Social issues such as substance abuse and mental health had an impact on long-term safe sex as well as poor education in Sexual Health. In a recent study from WHO (World Health Organisation) health experts warn of the resistance to old antibiotic treatments that are no longer effective in the treatment of gonorrhoea. Further new treatments will need to be updated.

Types of STDs on the increase:

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) In 2009 alone more than a quarter of cases who were diagnosed and reported were heterosexual.

Chlamydia 80% of cases reported have quadrupled in the last 10 years.

Syphilis A high number of cases have been reported in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait communities.

Genital Herpes HSV-2 Is now a growing number of 66% of women aged between 15-26 years of age. Australia and the US have the highest percentage.

STDs and exposure to the HIV Virus:

Recent reports that were researched shows that STDs further increase the chances of contracting HIV through wounds and ulcers in the genital area. Other risks that were found to increase HIV, were high levels of CD4 cells. The more STDs a person is carrying, the greater the risk of transmission. A person infected with both STDs and HIV will transmit the HIV virus.


By raising AWARENESS through advertising campaigns such as your Medical Health Centre and/or Sexual Health Centre.

Practicing SAFE SEX through the use of condoms is important in preventing STDs and HIV.


There are vaccinations available for the herpes HSV-2 virus at your local GP centre.

Using safe measures when it comes to alcohol and drug use. Limit your use of alcohol.

SAFE NEEDLE EXCHANGE Be careful not to share your needles. Use clean fits. Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B is common among drug users and is highly contagious through unprotected sex.

Seek Drug and Alcohol Counselling.


Kakavia - Greek Fish Soup

Kakavia-Greek Fish Soup

Kakavia is a Greek fish soup also called Greek fisherman's Soup named after Kakavia. Kakavia, is a village in southern Albania. Fishermen in the village caught a variety of fish throughout the day and cooked fish soup as a popular meal served with crispy buttered bread. This fish soup recipe is named psarosoupa in Greek tradition and is similar to the French fish stew bouillabaisse.

What makes this delicate broth enticing is the curious excitement of the day's catch that is then prepared and added to make up a wonderful fresh fish soup. It is no wonder that it is a famous and traditional dish in Greek cuisine.

The mix of varied fish is stewed in a pot and simmered with added vegetables. Common vegetables used are potatoes, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes and celery. Add garlic, onions, salt, pepper and olive oil to taste.

Combined with seafood and fresh herbs such as thyme, fennel and parsley with a touch of lemon juice. The seafood can vary anywhere from prawns to mussels. Mussels must be cooked very gently in order to avoid overcooking.

There are many variations of fish soup recipes throughout other countries such as Italy, Spain and the Mediterranean, that are similar to Kakavia.

All of these variations of Kakavia are simple and fresh with a mild, subtle, seafood flavour that not only smells tempting, but is tantalising in taste that lingers throughout the course of the meal.


Alien Abduction & Hybrids


Ever wondered whether or not aliens exist? If so what about hybrids? UFO researcher Dr. David Jacobs Ph.D claims that evidence of an alien hybrid program has been secretly controlled by an alien race that plan to integrate alien-human hybrids in with human society.

Dr. David Jacobs is an Associate Professor of History at Temple University. He began researching UFOs in the mid 1960s and has further extensive research in abduction experiences. Dr. Jacobs PhD is also the author of the book, The UFO Controversy in America as well as Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions and The Threat.
The program is a reproduction program that uses specimens of human DNA along with the extraction of ova and sperm to reproduce the offspring of alien cross human-hybrids. This is developed through the process of artificial insemination also referred to as 'genetic engineering.'

Personal experiences among abductee's over the last two decades report of being abducted aboard a craft and medically tested by aliens. Both males and females testified to the clinical tests and reports of abductee experiences. Among the abductee's were females that reported seeing babies that were of cross breed as well as young children. Unexplained pregnancies and fetus's that had been removed had also been noted.

Official medical document reports of females that were between 6-8 weeks pregnant followed by regular check ups of the same women were found to be no longer pregnant and had no record of miscarriage. The medical pregnancy tests that were later detected as negative without a reported case of miscarriage remains a mystery.

Dr. Jacobs further explains that the aliens are of a superior race of beings that he believes seeded the process of human beings as a human genetic engineering project at the early dawn of time. Other names suggested by Dr. Jacobs is 'the alien invasion' aka 'the alien agenda.' It would appear to be that the technology involved and medical expertise far exceeds our current knowledge of science and medicine.

What exactly is the reason behind the agenda is not known, but for UFO researchers like Dr. Jacobs the unexplained mystery plays grim concern for our future. While clinical observation has gone under professional hypnosis, not all cases have been recalled through the process of hypnosis. According to many reported statistics there is a surge of abductee's that have had ongoing conscious experiences throughout their lives that may or may not have been traumatic.

Reported evidence is clear that more cases have come forward over the last decade with abductee's sharing experiences of documented events that proved to be more than one witness involved in the case. A recent YouTube video that interviews abductee Jesse Long Jr reports vividly of a series of ongoing abduction experiences since the early age of five. In this video Jesse Long Jr explains his experience of the ''hybrid" case.

The hypothesis of whether or not the aliens wish to succeed in extending a dying breed of their own race in order to survive and evolve or to help our own human species to cease the extinction of our own race through self-destruction due to nuclear poison, pollution of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses; followed by over population, war, disease and famine on this planet earth is left unknown. Perhaps the reason to be is based on a dark and sinister agenda that is for the foremost left hidden and unresolved? Could this be the lead up to the proverbial 2012 and the dawning of the 'golden age.'

There has been much refute over the grey alien's that are popular in our recorded history of alien visitations throughout the last quarter of this century. Though contrary to popular belief,             
there are reportedly two types of distinct grey aliens:

a) One type is reported to be of service to self only.

b) Second type are philanthropic and are of service to humanity.
According to the alien sightings and 'close' encounters the number of Alien races are diverse and some are very similar to what we have here on earth.

Another popular sighted alien has been the Nordic Alien, tall blond male and female aliens very similar looking to ourselves being of terrestrial origin. Tall blond Nordic aliens have been widely reported as benevolent aliens who appear to be of a highly evolved spiritual nature that often warn of a catastrophic disaster that is to play part in our world. Others are foreign in looks in which nature plays a part due to the design of their own planet according to the atmospheric conditions of the environment.

Every planet is created by atoms, molecules, electrons, neutrons as well as protons that forms a nucleus. The nucleus is processed within the energetic light particles that compel and contract through the force of gravity to form the birth of a new creation. Thus, the seed of a new planet or universe is created. New entities are seeded and birthed to inhabit life on the newly existent planet and in our universe.

Therefore, we have planets within many universes in our solar system including different races of beings within our multi-verse. Many of these races are well ahead of our own human race. Science has been backwards for so long. So far, today science has been witnessing and exploring further avenues which stretch the borderlines ever so slightly. Quantum physics explores and displays a broad horizon on top of the conventional scientific theories.

There is so much to learn and explore in our universe, unfortunately we are too far behind. Futuristics say that eventually we will progress and perhaps find a way that is a breakthrough throughout human history that could perhaps take us back to the beginning of the 'big bang theory' and forward again, which means 'time travel.'


What Is The Reality of Time?

What is reality what is time?

Time is the shifting voices of

our echoing spirits, that is deep and

resounding and here to ground us

upon our planet blue earth.

Though truly what is time?

Time of all our experiences can melt

and expire yet, still leaving us with the shivering

feelings of old felt memories that live on within

the myriad of the mind.

We live and experience each day of every true part of our

experiences in life, we still feel the memories of each and

everyone of those experiences.

This reality being the reality of time,

can be here or be elsewhere,

far away in another world,

in another dimension.

This is what is called multi-dimensional realities,

also known as parallel worlds.

Time is simultaneous,

time is multi-dimensional, time can change at the flick of a moment.

The human experience is a continuious multi-dimensional experience.

Time equals the reality of our ethereal force and experential existence.

This is the very nature of the energy that is in all things .

Without time we cannot exist....


Faces of Time

Faces of pain, faces of blame,

faces who never knew the truth.

Faces who are lonely

that hold the burden of truth.

Faces with painted smiles and little white lies,

Faces that laugh, taunt, haunt and twist.

Faces of deep darkened evil truths.

Faces that shrug the obvious truth.

Faces that are shy,

faces that lie,

and are hiding beneath the crusted surface

of the beckoning truth...

Faces that mirror

the underling crafty measures

of betrayal and truth.

Faces do not lie,

faces reveal the veil

of those who don't speak.

Faces of pain,

faces of blame.

Time to start anew.

I saw it in those faces that show

the places of all time...

Its time to face the truth

of our essence

of the human race...


Writing, Creative Writing.,