Monday, August 17, 2015

The Room

Autumn leaves of red, golden and brown. Sanguine memories cast a shade inside the feelings of old days. Spirit fills the night of swifting pools that dance in shifting colours. Vivid dreams and shadows chase the night.

Through dreams a memory is cast of a child locked in a room. There were toys to play with yet, she was imprisoned inside the room. Hours went by so young and helpless.

It was a breakthrough of spiritual illumination that took part inside the room. There were many that joined her of strange people and faces that told her they were her friends from long ago.

Many times she enjoyed these visits from her unusual friends. In time she came to see the room she was locked inside was not a prison, but a 'gift'.

To understand if it was real or fantasy the answer was clear. There were special gifts that were materialised of a strange shape and colour. These were gifts she had to hide. It was her secret she had to keep.

Until one night she grew ill and spent time in a different room. Again, she was locked inside a room. When her special friends did visit she knew that she would join them very soon.


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