Small tinkling lights lit up the opening scenery with christmas tokens and a welcoming "Merry Christmas" banner, was placed high above the entrance. A soft glow began to pulse.
Walking nearby the empty quiet strip, an old and withered man caught sight of the flickering lights. He glanced a second time, and gasped when he saw a strange woman dressed in white amidst a ray of golden wings of light. A burning fire struck upon him and a vision of his life flashed by...
The old man awoke at the shiver of the early dawn and heard voices singing in a strange and hypnotic tone that echoed eerily upon the fresh, cold, morning breeze . Without warning a radiant ray of light shone brightly upon his eyes. Life as he knew it was about to be transformed for the old vagrant man.
On christmas day a decade later the man no longer homeless gazed upon his christmas tree in a warm and cozy home. A faint smile drew across the worn and wrinkled face as he paused and reminisced of the night of the miracle that the angel had bestowed.
Alongside the christmas tree hovering above was a blueish hue that gently gleamed as three bright stars glittered and danced around the christmas tree.
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